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Another Stop on Obama's Apology Tour

Third World troubles are not our fault.

By Will Offensicht  |  July 14, 2011

We've noted that Mr. Obama tends to apologize for whatever's wrong anywhere in the world.  He's apologized for American actions often enough that "apology tour" was invented to describe his travels.  Forbes pointed out that Mr. Obama acts like a anti-colonialist which is "the doctrine that rich countries of the West got rich by invading, occupying and looting poor countries of Asia, Africa and South America."

Anticolonialism is Mr. Obama's ideas writ large.  A dedicated anticolonialist argues that all problems in Africa and in the poorer countries of Asia are the fault of the European powers who traded there a century ago.

Zimbabweans couldn't operate the sewer systems that were left behind by the British and had a cholera epidemic?  If the British had left them alone, they'd have still been living in healthy sustainable grass huts instead of moving to the cities where crowding made sewers necessary.

India can't realize its economic potential?  It's all the fault of those rascally British who encouraged the government to play too big a role in the economy.  Or maybe they didn't build enough railroads and other infrastructure.  Either way, the British should've left them alone.

India and Pakistan don't get along?  British surveyors drew the boundary line without taking into account the tribal sensitivities of the indigenous peoples.

American achievements make other nations feel inferior?  Mr. Obama has a solution for that, too:

A few months ago NASA Chief Charles Bolden announced that from now on the primary mission of America's space agency would be to improve relations with the Muslim world. Come again? Bolden said he got the word directly from the President. "He wanted me to find a way to reach out to the Muslim world and engage much more with dominantly Muslim nations to help them feel good about their historic contribution to science and math and engineering."  [emphasis added]

Muslim nations feel inferior because they don't manufacture much, don't discover anything useful other than more barbaric ways to slaughter innocents, and can barely manage the advanced technology they buy or steal?  It's all the West's fault!  We need to make amends by boosting their self-esteem so that they feel good about their history.

Westerners Kill Girls, Too

It's recently been revealed that on top of all their economic sins which destabilized African and Asian governments due to poverty, Westerners have heaped up more suffering by causing a huge sexual imbalance all across Asia.  In "Western Governments Are Blamed for Asia's Shortage of Women," the Atlantic reveals it's all the fault of those scheming imperialists at the Rockefeller Foundation, the United Nations, and other co-conspirators.  Science writer Mara Hvistendahl reveals all:

"[She] lays the blame squarely on western governments and businesses that have exported technology and pro-abortion practices without considering the consequences," unlike other accounts, that solely basing sex selection on cultural practices.

Amniocentesis and ultrasound scans have had largely positive applications in the west, where they have been used to detect fetal abnormalities. But exported to Asia and eastern Europe they have been intricately linked to an explosion of sex selection and a mushrooming of female abortions. Hvistendahl claims western governments actively promoted abortion and sex selection in the developing world, encouraging the liberalization of abortion laws and subsidizing sales of ultrasounds as a form of population control.

"It took millions of dollars in funding from US organizations for sex determination and abortion to catch on in the developing world," she writes.

The sexual imbalance has nothing to do with the Asian preference for sons over daughters.  It has nothing to do with the fact that female infanticide has been practiced in Asia for millennia, though drowning baby girls after they're born is less efficient than using advanced technology to detect unborn femininity early enough to save the mother's energy in bringing the fetus to term.

Culture has nothing to do with it, it's all the fault of those imperialist Western know-it-alls.  Instead of waiting for rising incomes to limit the number of babies women would have, these heartless conspirators pushed to limit population by arranging for girl babies to be aborted.

Aborting girls is clearly the most effective strategy for reducing population, of course.  If a society has 100 men and one woman, the maximum number of babies per year is one.  If, on the other hand, there are 100 women and one man, the society can have 100 babies per year, as well as one man who's either completely exhausted or enjoying paradisal satisfaction.

Lack of women can destabilize a society, of course, which makes wars far more likely.  War kills off a lot of men, but that doesn't do much for future population growth because it's women that have the babies.

The Western imperialist conspiracy may have been effective in reducing future population growth, but the current women shortage is all the West's fault.

We wonder when Mr. Obama will get around to apologizing for all those abortions?  What with the economic collapse, the wars in Iraq, Afghanistan, and Libya, his apology agenda's a bit backlogged just now, but we're sure he'll get to it in due time.