141 - 150 of 148 resultsPage: 113 14 15
  • Over time, it's been both much colder and a good bit warmer, than it is today. It's been reported that the hottest years of the past century was 2006 until NASA found their math was wrong: it was actually 1934.
  • The 1962 publication of Rachel Carson's classic "Silent Spring" marks the beginning of a sea change: the mass attack on technology and progress as a whole, for environmental reasons.
  • Somebody in Europe has realized what's crystal clear to anyone with a brain: reducing carbon emissions destroys your economy.
  • The Trust doesn't answer to anybody anymore. They don't even have to be right.
  • What is not acceptable, what is a non-starter, is the notion that we can dispense with the law.
  • Somewhere in the Great Beyond, Hermann Goering is laughing.
  • I stood on the bridge; I stood right there on the bridge looking down at the Rio Grande River, and what to my wondering eyes should appear, but a Mexican gentleman who had started himself a ferryboat service.
  • Bureaucracies never die, and India's still uses genuine red tape.
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