121 - 130 of 137 resultsPage: 111 12 13 14
  • The need for a Constitutional amendment shows that the Founding Fathers never intended an income tax.
  • Almost a full century ago, a few cancer cells were introduced into our body politic.
  • Burning plants for fuel doesn't work forever.
  • It almost doesn't matter what the topic is, the argument may already be lost. We've already established there is little national virtue left. We're now just talking about the price.
  • If we're losing jobs and the Chinese are losing jobs, where are they going?
  • In many ways, Martin Luther King was a good man - certainly a highly intelligent man. Well read, well spoken, influential well beyond his life. But equal to all the Presidents of the nation?
  • Scientists want research grants, more published papers, and to be listened to by the general public. Bureaucrats want a bigger department and more clout. Politicians want a crisis - any crisis - so they can ride to power with a "solution".
  • Sure, global warming seems unlikely; but if it's true, it's so awful, shouldn't we take action just in case?
  • The ocean levels are not going to rise by 20 feet by 2100. According to the UN's International Panel on Climate Change, it's more like a single foot, or maybe 18 inches.
  • Government proposals to fix global warming won't work, at great expense.
121 - 130 of 137 resultsPage: 111 12 13 14
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