61 - 70 of 70 resultsPage: 15 6 7
  • Almost a full century ago, a few cancer cells were introduced into our body politic.
  • It almost doesn't matter what the topic is, the argument may already be lost. We've already established there is little national virtue left. We're now just talking about the price.
  • If we're losing jobs and the Chinese are losing jobs, where are they going?
  • The only thing that gets a Congresscritter's attention is losing an election.
  • Here, we propose some resolutions for the major candidates to consider.
  • It is claimed that this boat runs on biodiesel made form the crew's fat and that it is carbon-neutral. But how is that calculated?
  • The issue of illegal immigration cuts so deeply to the very heart of what America is and who Americans are, that for a potential President of the United States to decline an opinion on the subject is totally unacceptable.
  • When liberals mail extra millions each year to the Treasury, then it might be time to listen to their ideas too.
  • It does seem slightly odd that the famous Nobel Peace Prize should go to someone who is famous, more or less, for talking loudly.
  • Mr. Washington said, "Government is like fire - an uncertain servant and a fearful master," but he missed the essence. At its core, governance boils down to two questions: "Who says?" and "Who pays?"
61 - 70 of 70 resultsPage: 15 6 7
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