161 - 170 of 172 resultsPage: 115 16 17 18
  • Can we have a little dignity please?
  • Not only don't we need one, we're better off without one.
  • By thumbing their nose in the fact of the overwhelming majority of Americans, the Democrats are running a very serious risk.
  • Can you really put a price on a lifetime of voting?
  • We are beginning to see an unholy alliance forming between libel law and a desire to make unpleasant people be quiet.
  • What can the UAW do with $50 billion?
  • What is not acceptable, what is a non-starter, is the notion that we can dispense with the law.
  • Is there a shortage of conflict in the world today, that we need to dredge up past wrongs?
  • I stood on the bridge; I stood right there on the bridge looking down at the Rio Grande River, and what to my wondering eyes should appear, but a Mexican gentleman who had started himself a ferryboat service.
  • It is unfair, and it is unconstitutional.
161 - 170 of 172 resultsPage: 115 16 17 18
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