51 - 60 of 63 resultsPage: 14 5 6 7
  • Are Democrats saying that Michelle Obama is not descended from a monkey?
  • The only change Joe Biden represents is a fresh pair of Depends.
  • Aren't Republicans supposed to be knuckle-dragging Neanderthals who believe in keeping their wives, barefoot and pregnant, firmly imprisoned in the kitchen?
  • Stop donating to conservatives, or else!
  • We've all wished someone dead at one time or another.
  • No man who is willing to subject himself to additional years of torture out of duty and loyalty to his comrades-in-arms can ever be truly called a scoundrel.
  • Like the Terminator, if there's just one finger still working, she'll drag herself forward by that one finger.
  • Barack seems like a nice guy, and we wish him the very best.
  • Who needs a "first black president" who is actually white when you can have a "first black president" who really is black?
  • The left-wing blogsphere claim that Hillary's people stole the election from Obama. The evidence, if true, is staggering.
51 - 60 of 63 resultsPage: 14 5 6 7
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