261 - 270 of 274 resultsPage: 125 26 27 28
  • The left-wing blogsphere claim that Hillary's people stole the election from Obama. The evidence, if true, is staggering.
  • The conservatives have rightly complained about the fiasco that was the CNN/YouTube debate, to say nothing of Chris Matthews' execrable moderating. Now the shoe is on the other foot, and it doesn't fit any better on that side.
  • It is claimed that this boat runs on biodiesel made form the crew's fat and that it is carbon-neutral. But how is that calculated?
  • Having been put on the scent, the blogosphere discovered that this was only the tip of the iceberg.
  • Why "Hillary"? In 1980, did we have a race between Ronald and Jimmy?
  • Contrary to Al Gore's predictions, our current lack of hurricanes is causing significant problems.
  • We all know what Rudy believes. Like no other politician in America, he can be trusted to do as he says he will do - like it or not.
  • It does seem slightly odd that the famous Nobel Peace Prize should go to someone who is famous, more or less, for talking loudly.
  • There is one place from whence the Star-Spangled Banner no longer waves: Barack Hussein Obama's lapel.
  • Larry Craig should resign! But he should not be alone.
261 - 270 of 274 resultsPage: 125 26 27 28
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