481 - 490 of 516 resultsPage: 147 48 49 50 51 52
  • The left-wing blogsphere claim that Hillary's people stole the election from Obama. The evidence, if true, is staggering.
  • The ocean levels are not going to rise by 20 feet by 2100. According to the UN's International Panel on Climate Change, it's more like a single foot, or maybe 18 inches.
  • Government proposals to fix global warming won't work, at great expense.
  • Out of every million pounds of atmosphere... we are adding 6 pounds of carbon. That's .0006%.
  • The planet Mars is getting warmer too. As far as we can tell from SEC filings, neither Exxon nor Halliburton have significant operations on that planet; nor does it fall under the authority of the Bush administration.
  • Over time, it's been both much colder and a good bit warmer, than it is today. It's been reported that the hottest years of the past century was 2006 until NASA found their math was wrong: it was actually 1934.
  • The conservatives have rightly complained about the fiasco that was the CNN/YouTube debate, to say nothing of Chris Matthews' execrable moderating. Now the shoe is on the other foot, and it doesn't fit any better on that side.
  • The 1962 publication of Rachel Carson's classic "Silent Spring" marks the beginning of a sea change: the mass attack on technology and progress as a whole, for environmental reasons.
  • Of course Mr. Musharraf doesn't want to share power. Who does? Does The Times want to share power and influence with the LA Times or with the Washington Post? Of course not.
  • How come all the environmentalists keep proposing things people don't want to do? Real solutions nedn't require deprivation.
481 - 490 of 516 resultsPage: 147 48 49 50 51 52
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