41 - 50 of 51 resultsPage: 13 4 5 6
  • Government subsidies for solar power result in our paying a lot more for electricity.
  • The concept of the flushing toilet is "unsustainable"?!
  • The EPA has done well to stop something bad.
  • If Al Gore is seriously worried about rising sea levels, he ought to advocate letting us return to unpatented, cheaper Freon.
  • Absolut believes that they will gain by linking their concept of "An Absolut World" to a world in which significant parts of the American West are part of Mexico.
  • Unless we tell our politicians to ignore Al Gore's scam, we'll all freeze in the dark.
  • How come all the environmentalists keep proposing things people don't want to do? Real solutions nedn't require deprivation.
  • Are boaters deliberately trying to kill manatees?
  • China and India are adopting personal automobiles. If they follow our path, each country will put itself in a position of its entire economy being vulnerable to interruption of its oil supplies.
  • If we can't decide between the bird lovers and the cat lovers without a jury trial, how are we going to decide what to do about "honor killing," "female circumcision," and other facets of "diversity"?
41 - 50 of 51 resultsPage: 13 4 5 6
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