691 - 700 of 714 resultsPage: 168 69 70 71 72
  • Somehow, we have reached the point where we view democracy and elections as ends in themselves. But they aren't.
  • Making a small class of citizens into a protected species leads to less employment for that group.
  • Wal-Mart doesn't like paying taxes any more than you or I do, but, unlike us, Wal-Mart has the money to do something about it.
  • Leaders know that there's nothing as disruptive as information.
  • What are we to make of the news that career State Department staffers are refusing to go to Iraq?
  • Why such a difference between the handling of the California fires, vs Katrina in New Orleans?
  • Detroit has given away a great many test drives which they could have had for free.
  • These bridges have needed fixing for 25 years and they're still operating?
  • What does Mr. Gates plan to do with all the extra people that won't die from malaria now that his foundation has found a cure?
  • It's been estimated that the final costs for New Orleans'; reconstruction will top $200 billion. As American taxpayers, we can only ask this question: Why?
691 - 700 of 714 resultsPage: 168 69 70 71 72
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