51 - 60 of 60 resultsPage: 14 5 6
  • The Transportation Security Administration? Hardly. Thousands Standing Around? Not that either...
  • A few men and a few privately held companies have significant power over our economy.
  • The need for a Constitutional amendment shows that the Founding Fathers never intended an income tax.
  • If we're losing jobs and the Chinese are losing jobs, where are they going?
  • Reuters reports trouble at the North Pole.
  • The issue of illegal immigration cuts so deeply to the very heart of what America is and who Americans are, that for a potential President of the United States to decline an opinion on the subject is totally unacceptable.
  • When liberals mail extra millions each year to the Treasury, then it might be time to listen to their ideas too.
  • It's a far better thing, as well as much easier, for government to act to prevent a disaster, or at least to warn residents loudly and clearly of the potential consequences of their foolish choices.
  • Inspecting IDs is a waste of time and money, but it's ideal from the bureaucratic point of view because it doesn't solve the problem.
  • Mr. Washington said, "Government is like fire - an uncertain servant and a fearful master," but he missed the essence. At its core, governance boils down to two questions: "Who says?" and "Who pays?"
51 - 60 of 60 resultsPage: 14 5 6
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