171 - 180 of 190 resultsPage: 116 17 18 19
  • Competition keeps the NBS functioning effectively just as competition would help the public schools.
  • Unless we tell our politicians to ignore Al Gore's scam, we'll all freeze in the dark.
  • How come all the environmentalists keep proposing things people don't want to do? Real solutions nedn't require deprivation.
  • It is claimed that this boat runs on biodiesel made form the crew's fat and that it is carbon-neutral. But how is that calculated?
  • Poor people often skimp on food so that they will have enough money for things they consider valuable.
  • Since we peasants couldn't see that Roosevelt's marvelous ideas were for our own good, he believed it was OK for him to lie to help pass his programs. Does that remind you of any modern politicians?
  • The issue of illegal immigration cuts so deeply to the very heart of what America is and who Americans are, that for a potential President of the United States to decline an opinion on the subject is totally unacceptable.
  • Making a small class of citizens into a protected species leads to less employment for that group.
  • Wal-Mart doesn't like paying taxes any more than you or I do, but, unlike us, Wal-Mart has the money to do something about it.
  • When liberals mail extra millions each year to the Treasury, then it might be time to listen to their ideas too.
171 - 180 of 190 resultsPage: 116 17 18 19
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