241 - 250 of 247 resultsPage: 123 24 25
  • We don't disparage the motives of politicians, they have the same motives we do. We don't distrust the motives of bureaucrats, we trust them all too well.
  • Why can't we Americans buy cheap cars? The cheapest car in the US costs about $20,000, about 8 times the cost of Tata's offering.
  • Leaders know that there's nothing as disruptive as information.
  • These bridges have needed fixing for 25 years and they're still operating?
  • What does Mr. Gates plan to do with all the extra people that won't die from malaria now that his foundation has found a cure?
  • The Romans understood nation building, an art we and the British have forgotten.
  • "It is the duty of every officer of His Majesty's Navy, to discharge powder and shot in the general direction of the enemy."
241 - 250 of 247 resultsPage: 123 24 25
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