171 - 180 of 201 resultsPage: 116 17 18 19 20 21
  • The yearning to restrict other people's choices is a pretty good definition of a liberal.
  • Because some states don't want to execute rapists, it's unconstitutional for any state to do so?
  • The largest single source of millionaires in America is through participation in a multi-level marketing scheme, but when something goes wrong, the lawyers end up with all the money.
  • If you don't look back at where you've been, you won't know how far you've come or where you're going.
  • It's simply common sense that the nicer a life you have if you don't work, the more people will choose not to work and the pickier they will be about what job they might be willing to accept.
  • What's a principal to do when the kids won't obey?
  • A court found the NY Port Authority 68% liable for bombing their own building?!
  • A capitalist will sell you the rope to hang himself.
  • We honor Pippa Bacca for living and dying in full, logical, and consistent allegiance to her beliefs.
  • Justice Brandeis said, "[The] right to be let alone - the most comprehensive of rights and the right most valued by civilized men."
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