131 - 140 of 145 resultsPage: 112 13 14 15
  • But not by us, for once!
  • If Al Gore is seriously worried about rising sea levels, he ought to advocate letting us return to unpatented, cheaper Freon.
  • There's nothing to get a bureaucracy moving like recurring deaths.
  • How to use the tactics of the left against them.
  • How can you have human rights if you aren't a human?
  • Stop using all fossil fuels within ten years, he says?
  • Unless we tell our politicians to ignore Al Gore's scam, we'll all freeze in the dark.
  • How come all the environmentalists keep proposing things people don't want to do? Real solutions nedn't require deprivation.
  • It is claimed that this boat runs on biodiesel made form the crew's fat and that it is carbon-neutral. But how is that calculated?
  • Contrary to Al Gore's predictions, our current lack of hurricanes is causing significant problems.
131 - 140 of 145 resultsPage: 112 13 14 15
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