31 - 40 of 49 resultsPage: 1 2 3 4 5
  • Rep. Charles Rangel, author of our tax code, still can't pay his taxes correctly. But he's not a crook...
  • Could it be that they actually want a hijacking so they can ask for more money next year?
  • Send some to the rest of Congress, stat!
  • Thanks to the stroke of a legalistic pen, the Chinese have accomplished what all Michael Jackson's surgeries have failed to do: changed conclusively from one color to another.
  • Toddlers who say "yuck" when given flavorful foreign food may be exhibiting racist behavior, a British government-sponsored organization says.
  • Remember Mom's advice? "Respect must be earned!"
  • Depends on the definition - the dictionary's? Or the Democrats'?
  • Hillary, the One Last Hope for Womankind?
  • Two wrongs aren't nearly enough to add up to a Rev. Wright.
  • For the stated purpose of reviving our economy, this is nothing more than an exercise in silliness.
31 - 40 of 49 resultsPage: 1 2 3 4 5
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