21 - 30 of 37 resultsPage: 1 2 3 4
  • Murdering people is what Islam does.
  • Obama cranks up the heat on the frogs even more.
  • The humanitarian disaster of illegal immigrant children needs to be stopped.
  • What's wrong with killing illegal invaders?
  • Obama's illegal-alien aunt understands welfare better than he does. And she's easier to understand when she speaks, too.
  • Maybe Reps. Rangel and Waters really are being unfairly held to an obsolete standard of ethics.
  • There's only one good argument in favor of open borders, and it's a fatuous one.
  • Congress needlessly redoing what's already been done, at great expense and to no good effect.
  • How to create a "bubble" of unreality around yourself? Liberals keep trying...
  • When 80% of American voters are already furious about the illegal alien problem, one shudders to think of their reaction to news of a flood of deadly-disease-ridden aliens.
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