• Don't let your anger consume you - harness it to good use.
  • Never forget what made you a success.
  • Don't let unfavorable polls discourage you from voting.
  • What price deceit?
  • Men seem to feel that if a woman lies about not wanting to get married it's OK to lie to her about having a relationship.
  • If you aren't quite sure just what you want, they can't really help.
  • The recent, less-than-informed coverage of the death of Benazir Bhutto reminds us of Neville Chamberlain's infamous comment about Czechsolovakia as " a faraway country about which we know nothing."
  • What is not acceptable, what is a non-starter, is the notion that we can dispense with the law.
  • I stood on the bridge; I stood right there on the bridge looking down at the Rio Grande River, and what to my wondering eyes should appear, but a Mexican gentleman who had started himself a ferryboat service.
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