A Tale of Two Newspapers - And Three Politicians, Part 3
Massachusetts' public servants have forgotten how to serve.
By Will Offensicht | October 6, 2015
The first article in this series pointed out that Mr.
Obama desires that Joe Biden succeed him as
President, but if and only if he agrees to have Deval Patrick, former
governor of Massachusetts, as his running mate. Having
explained why Mr. Obama regards Mr.
Patrick as a worthy successor to continue his policies of extorting
money from businesses and giving tax money to his friends, this article
explains some of the reasons why
Mr. Obama can be confident that Mr. Patrick will carry on with his
legacy of administrative incompetence and may even carry it to new
General Incompetence
In addition to wasting money on green dreams, Gov. Patrick showed no
ability to operate the state effectively. Among
his many managerial failures were:
- Last winter, the public transit system shut down because of
snow. There were no such problems during the blizzard of 1978
because drivers ran the trains all night to blow the snow off the
tracks. This well-known procedure was evidently too
complicated for
Gov. Patrick's appointees to carry out.
- The state has fallen billions of dollars behind on
maintaining bridges. Any Massachusetts driver can see that
the bridges are rusting out because they aren't being painted.
There are about 7,500 bridges in Massachusetts. We
could keep track of the painting schedule with Excel or even a
notebook, no database needed, but someone would still have to do the
work of going out and painting them. We don't even have to
about jobs Americans won't do. Massachusetts being a
sanctuary state,
there is an abundant supply of illegal laborers who, for all their
other faults, are fairly skilled in painting, but even going down to
the local Home Depot with a bus and a wad of cash is apparently beyond
the powers of the state bureaucracy.
- On May 27, 2015, the Herald
that more than
8,500 elevators in Massachusetts hadn't had their state-required annual
inspections. More than half the elevators which were checked
had certificates which did not agree with the inspection department's
database. Some had expired certificates even though the
database showed them as having been inspected.
- On Dec. 17, 2014, the New
York Times reported that federal authorities
were bringing murder charges against pharmacists at the New England
Compounding Center whose contaminated drugs had killed 64
people. The Center had failed state-required cleanliness
but had continued to operate just as uninspected elevators continued to
- On March 5, 2014, Reuters
that the Massachusetts
Supreme Court had ruled that the state of Massachusetts shared
blame for drug convictions which had been tainted by falsified tests in
the state crime lab. More than 300 people who had been
of drug crimes based on falsified tests have been released.
of these people are innocent and should never have been in jail; others
are felons who should be in jail but now aren't due to government
- Last year, more than 34,000 bus and rail trips were missed
simply because state employees didn't show up for work so the vehicles
sat abandoned in the yard.
- The Herald reported on September 30,
2015, that a woman who
ran a grocery store in Worcester, Mass. had been charged with
defrauding the food stamp program for $3.6 million over a four-year
period. She'd buy food stamps for 50 cents on the dollar,
then deposit them as if she'd sold permitted groceries. When
many such opportunities for welfare fraud were
pointed out to Gov. Patrick, he dismissed them as
"anecdotes." The
fact that food stamp recipients wanted 50
cents of unrestricted cash more than they wanted a dollar's worth of
food stamps with which they could only buy restricted items suggests
that the food stamp program is giving people far more money than they
need to buy food.
- The Massachusetts Obamacare web site didn't work any better
than the Federal site even though Gov. Patrick chose the
same favored contractor which had employed Mrs. Obama's college
roommate and paid millions of dollars.
Between excess fees paid to
contractors and ineligible people being signed up, some of the
cost estimates run close to a billion dollars. That's billion
a B.
Massachusetts taxpayers occasionally show signs of having had
enough and elect Republicans. Gov.
Patrick's successor was Charlie Baker, a Republican with extensive
experience managing a large health care system.
Getting Rich in the Private Sector
Both the Globe and the Herald
noted that Gov. Patrick had to
spend time in the private sector to make serious
money. Having routed hundreds of millions of taxpayer
dollars to support failing businesses and to pay for unneeded
projects, many business owners owed him
big bucks. Even the Globe
would have thought it unseemly for these businesses to pay him his just
rewards while he was still in office, so he had to become a private
citizen for a time. The Herald listed
three semi-secret ways
they planned to pay him:
- Gov. Patrick got an appointment as a part-time professor of
innovation at MIT. This saves him the bother of setting up a
tax-deductible foundation as the Clintons and Mr. Obama
have. Whomever wants to supplement his professorial pay can
make a
tax-deductible donation to MIT - it'll get lost amongst the rest of
that august institution's billions. Gov. Patrick will know,
we won't know, and
that's all that matters.
- Bain Capital, of Mitt Romney fame, appointed him a
"managing director" to seek investments in education,
energy, and public health that support social good. Suppose
someone owes the Governor a lot of money due to past
favors. They can start a "social good" business,
give him the founders'
stock due the managing director, wait 6 months, and buy him out
for a monster capital gain. When the stock tanks, the
investors writes it off. This not only makes payments to
Patrick tax-deductible, the Governor pays capital gains taxes instead
of ordinary income taxes.
- The builders who profited from his green scams tried to get
the Summer Olympics assigned to Boston. They promised over
and over
that the Olympics wouldn't cost the taxpayers a dime and then proceeded
hire Gov. Patrick as a $7,500 per day consultant to schmooze the
international Olympic
committee. If a
Democrat had won the governorship, this would probably have worked, and
they'd have stuck the taxpayers for the
usual billion or two that Olympics lose for host cities.
With that track record of incompetence, who could possibly be
qualified to carry on Mr. Obama's legacy? As it turned out,
the committee set up by construction billionaires to bring the
Olympics to Boston failed because the voters elected a Republican to be
Patrick's successor as governor.
Given the tendency of Massachusetts voters to compound their
follies by continuing to elect Democrats, however,
funding a committee to bring the Olympics to Boston was a
reasonable bet. It failed this time, but betting on Democrats
win Massachusetts elections is normally a sure
thing. The fact that Mr.
Patrick, a two-term Democrat, was followed by a Republican, in
Massachusetts of all places, should tell anyone all they need to know
about Mr. Patrick's qualifications to be President of the United States.
The last article in this series explains how Mr. Patrick has
imitated Mr. Obama in wasting public money by living high on the public