Bloodbaths - From Riots to Mass Killings?

Watch how our leftist elites don't let the crisis of riot violence go to waste.

Riots are continuing through America. The next one could be in a city near you.

Anytime. Anyplace.  

Does this seem like some new hell?  Actually, we've been pretty fortunate: A mass-shooting hasn't occurred where both police and rioters were killed.

Is This The New Goal?

Which raises a disturbing question: Does the federal government, along with select state and local regimes, want this to happen?

Think about it: Do people who loot, vandalize, and start fires seem like a mentally sound group? They love destruction. Would it be that far off to say these individuals have led a violent life? Or did they simply wake up one morning and decide to raid Foot Locker in the evening on their way home from the office?

Not very likely - though, admittedly, not unheard of. But if you are spending your nights involved in the local riots, would it not be hard to keep a job? Or do you just call in sick on plundering and pillaging days?

There isn't hard polling data on the percentage of looters who "own" a gun, but one would guess that the more an individual gets involved in this line of work, the greater the likelihood of guns.

What about the business owners being impacted? At some point, they will feel a gun is necessary for their own safety - the safety of their dream, their business, their livelihood. These individuals come in all shapes and sizes. Can you not see one or more of these people being a keg of dynamite on the verge of explosion?

How about the average citizens who are so tired of the "hands-off approach" consistently being given to the rioters? Seemingly, there are so many "groups" ready to snap - vigilante style.  We've all watched Batman fight the street thugs of Gotham; how long before someone decide to don the cowl for real, to do what the police are no longer allowed to do?

People are being pushed to their breaking point because our governments simply are not doing enough. Or is this on-purpose? What do they think the end result will be?

Oh, What A Liberal Dream It Could Be

  • A white male wearing a "Make America Great Again" shirt squeezes the trigger.
  • He kills more blacks than whites.
  • Member of the N.R.A.
  • Once dreamed of being a police officer, after his four years in the Army.
  • Bought the "assault rifle" legally!

This would allow liberals to:

  • Attack the 2nd Amendment with more rules and regulations
  • Point the finger at ALL Trump supporters being RACIST!!!
  • Request immediate psychological exams on all cops - performed, of course, by certified shrinks who are well known to be poltically biased to the far left.
  • Require more Federal Government involvement in policing
  • Blame all rioting on white males

No stone would be left unturned to gain more government control.

 Manna From Heaven!

And if the shooter was an Islamic Terrorist? Or a black man?  We don't need to wonder, as we already know: it would be caused by the oppression they have suffered at the hands of whitey, or non-news.

When a mass shooting in Colorado appeared to be committed by a white man, the media ramped up to blare condemnation of white supremacy and guns... then, once police investigation determined the perpatrator to be Islamic terrorist Ahmad Al Aliwi Alissa, suddenly the 10 dead weren't news anymore.

Not that that stopped our corrupt elites from using the incident to push gun control, with emphasis placed on White Privilege.

Unless the governments want a horrific tragedy, why else would they allow riots?

"The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing."

- Edmund Burke

So tell me again, why rioting is still allowed?

A Reaper is the pseudonym of a businessman who sells his products to both Blue and Red Customers and wishes to remain anonymous. He loves his freedom but most importantly, knows: FREEDOM IS NEVER FREE!  Read other articles by A Reaper or other articles on Media.
Reader Comments

Many years ago, I pulled off I-95 in South Carolina, looking for a gas station late one night. Walking up to the door of the first one I found, I saw a sign that said "Rattlesnakes loose inside, two nights a week!"
A sound policy, well ahead of its time....
Thanks for the well written article.

June 25, 2021 5:06 PM

Your article seems logical and implies a master plan. This begs the question: who is in charge? How do we identify the planners and directly counter them?

June 26, 2021 11:14 AM
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