Throughout the six thousand years of recorded human government, there have been countless millions of lies told by public figures large and small. Some never get discovered and the lie passes down through history as recorded truth; others get discovered only too late, like Hitler's famous Big Lies which were very convincing until after he'd dragged all of Europe down into a Holocaust of destruction.
Rare indeed, though, is the lie which is both of the mammoth society-destroying type and which has reached the level of Received Wisdom throughout an entire elite leadership structure, and then which suddenly and very publicly is revealed to all as the fraud it is, before extremes of destruction are reached. In fact, on reflecting through history, I can't think of an example.
Until last month, when the lies of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change were revealed to the world by an anonymous hacker. Not since Aladdin has a thief saved his country; and this data thief may actually save the world from the proverbial fate worse than death. For the stolen data, now posted on public whistle-blowing websites throughout the Internet, reveals all the truths that climate-change "deniers" have been shouting upon deaf ears.
Why has nobody other than the IPCC been able to see the actual raw data collected by researchers which supposedly proves global warming is taking place? Simple: IPCC officials at the University of East Anglia's Climatic Research Unit destroyed the underlying numbers after they'd created their alarmist graphs, so that no skeptics could identify any methodological or mathematical errors they might have made. Since the work was funded by the governments of England and the United States, destruction of the data is destruction of government property, a criminal act which can and should be prosecuted.
How is it that the IPCC's numbers show a nice clear "hockey-stick" warming trend where other research shows the world getting colder? Prof. Phil Jones succinctly explains in one of the leaked emails:
I've just completed Mike's Nature trick of adding in the real temps to each series for the last 20 years (ie from 1981 onwards) and from 1961 for Keith's to hide the decline. [emphasis added]
Yeah, adding in fudge factors is definitely one way to make the numbers show whatever you'd like them to.
What about the very serious point global warming alarmists make against deniers, that denying scientists can't get their research published in respected scientific journals because it isn't very good, unlike the alarmists whose views burst from the pages of the most august tomes? Gordon Crovitz explains:
The panel, which shared the 2007 Nobel Peace Prize with Al Gore, now faces the inconvenient truth that it relied on scientists who violated scientific process. In one email, the Climate Research Unit's director, Phil Jones, wrote Michael Mann of Pennsylvania State University, promising to spike studies that cast doubt on the relationship between human activity and global warming. "I can't see either of these papers being in the next IPCC report," he said. He pledged to "keep them out somehow-even if we have to redefine what the peer-review literature is!"
In another email exhange, Mr. Mann wrote to Mr. Jones: "This was the danger of always criticizing the skeptics for not publishing in the 'peer-reviewed literature.' Obviously, they found a solution to that - take over a journal! So what do we do about this? I think we have to stop considering 'Climate Research' as a legitimate peer-reviewed journal. Perhaps we should encourage our colleagues in the climate research community to no longer submit to, or cite papers in, this journal." [emphasis added]
In other words, these scientists whom most viewed as the world's leading climatologists decided that any journal which published scientific articles that didn't agree with them no longer counted as a scientific journal, and that no "respectable" scientist would ever be published in the sort of pulp rag which would ever consider publishing non-alarmist research. Shades of Barack Obama saying that Fox News is not a legitimate news channel because it criticizes his political programs! As the Wall Street Journal (Europe) reported:
The response from the defenders of Mr. Mann and his circle has been that even if they did disparage doubters and exclude contrary points of view, theirs is still the best climate science. The proof for this is circular. It's the best, we're told, because it's the most-published and most-cited-in that same peer-reviewed literature. The public has every reason to ask why they felt the need to rig the game if their science is as indisputable as they claim.
Oh, and what of those much-vaunted computer software models showing the world warming, the icecaps melting, and the world ending? The leaker kindly included the computer code used by the IPCC for its modeling, in which we find this interesting snippet:
; Apply a VERY ARTIFICAL correction for decline!!
valadj=[0.,0.,0.,0.,0.,-0.1,-0.25,-0.3,0.,- 0.1,0.3,0.8,1.2,1.7,2.5,2.6,2.6,$
2.6,2.6,2.6]*0.75 ; fudge factor
if n_elements(yrloc) ne n_elements(valadj) then message,'Oooops!'
Yes, that's right: the computer code was designed to create a warming trend no matter what data was put into it. You could make up your own numbers showing the exact same recorded temperatures each and every year for the last thousand years... and the "model" would still spit out an Al-Gore-style hockey-stick warming graph.
This is not science; this is not data; this is not research. It is fraud, nothing more, nothing less - transparent, obvious fraud.
Let's sum up: we now have ironclad proof that a) there is no data proving global warming even exists, b) the IPCC scientists knew that the data didn't support their views and created dummy results to get the answer they wanted, and c) they used their undeserved respect in the scientific community to suppress any research which contradicted them, regardless of its scientific merit.
This is the "scientific consensus" that wants to force the rich world into paying countless trillions of dollars, countless millions of lost jobs, unimaginable loss of modern comforts... to solve a problem that can be "proven" to exist only by the use of forgeries, fraud, and lies!
Now, there is no shortage of true believers in global warming even in the face of this awe-inspiring scandal. They do have a point: just because there is no evidence of global warming doesn't necessarily mean that it isn't happening.
It's also true that just because UFOlogists have entirely failed to produce ET, it doesn't necessarily mean that extraterrestrial aliens aren't among us. After all, how can you absolutely prove a negative?
But until the alien-abduction brigade can bring a crashed flying saucer, decaying alien corpse, or working ray-gun to a press conference for all to see, we aren't going to reorganize our entire global economy to meet the impending threat of an invasion from Mars.
Just because a bunch of noisy, self-interested academics and politicians say that we're destroying the world does not mean that we should give up everything that modern technology has given us without abundant proof. For years now, Al Gore has been pointing to his fellow Nobel-prize winners, the IPC, as the last word in scientific proof. Today those selfsame "authorities" stand revealed instead as charlatans of no more scientific standing than Doctor Cure-all and his Magic Elixir.
Spending fifty cents on a fancy bottle of soda water "guaranteed to cure all ills" is one thing. Spending more than our entire national economy on chasing an ephemera... well, that's the sort of malfeasance of which impeachment charges are made. Before this scandal broke, a majority of Americans wanted no part of the "cap-and-trade" bill. And now?
Well, the mainstream American media, predictably enough, have totally ignored the entire scandal. There is, however, that small phenomenon of which they may not be aware, and for which they can thank none other than His Greenness Al Gore. Yes, that's right: a surprising number of Americans are now using the Internet, and are finding that the newspapers of England are as engaged by the Climategate scandal as ours are ignorant of it.
The results are quite amusing. The American MSM merrily sails on, rolling out the same stock "sky is falling" climate change articles they have for years... then, in the online comments, ordinary Americans tear them apart for their lies, as with this example from the Washington Post.
If the common man needed more proof that normal news organs are intentionally hiding front-page events, this is it. Last week my family went to dinner at a local pizza joint, and I took the opportunity to bring them up-to-date regarding Climategate. From the next table over came a cry from one diner to their partner on overhearing my remarks, "See, I told you it was true - there's somebody else talking about it right over there!"
Throughout the country and the world, the same thing is happening - on the subway, in restaurants, in the office - as the truth is passed from one to another, with proof supplied instantly online, despite even the best efforts of Google.
For the Left, here be dragons. Getting truth directly from the Internet is habit-forming... just in time for elections in England, the United States, and perhaps Australia.
What does Chinese history have to teach America that Joe Biden doesn't know?
Its good, however, that the prophets of global warming are meeting their collective judgment. As with prophets of the end of the world, when it doesn't happen people are going to look twice at your methodology.
The programming language is called IDL, and uses semicolons that way.
Mumbo jumbo only if you don't know IDL, like, well, pretty much everybody. Thank goodness for experts on the Internet who can parse this stuff!
Having looked through those I would like to add that this seems like a very obtuse language. I'm not a professional coder but I've programmed in Python, C++, Java, QBasic, and Visual Basic and I can't make heads or tails of that code.
Where there is confusion there is corruption, usually associated with financial fraud but always when there is a corrupt government who wish to control the masses. In the Third World it is achieved through disease and hunger, in the West the levers are money and our recently programmed 'green' conscious.
We would need to ask if more confusion is being created by the expose of this confusing piece of programming language.
Thank goodness for lateral thinkers: Enjoy your linear world.
E-Mail Fracas Shows Peril of Trying to Spin Science
Messages from British climate scientists gave insight into their thinking, and they might be their own worst enemies.
Of course, they weren't their own worst enemies until their machinations came out. YAY for Freedom of Information acts! If only someone could bust into the Federal budget guys and find out where the stimulus dollars are REALLY going! The White House sure doesn't know.
1) There was a very small group, including Prof. Jones and the author of that program which were conspiring and were able to have extremely tight and complete control of the whole field that nothing was published in other journals. This seems hard to believe.
2) There is an actual reason to model things that way, although I find this hard to believe as well.
3) This is not a representative sample.
In any large group discussion you'll have people doing dumb things to make their point at the expense of reality. You'll also have people who actually understand things filtering crap out. Perhaps there was good reason to keep those two papers out. Perhaps those are the only two that received such treatment. I don't know. I do know Mr. Frosch didn't go through the entire leaked data to see what was going on, and I'm pretty sure he doesn't have the technical background to understand the technical details.
That doesn't mean Mr. Frosh is wrong. Not many people do have the background or time to wade through so much stuff and gain a clear picture. It certainly raises my eyebrow as to the process which was followed and possibly violated for publishing in that one journal.
Have you completely lost your god-damned minds? Do you finally not give a shit about the world you're going to leave posterity, because you've swallowed so much corporate propaganda disguised as "Americanism" that you don't know the real meaning of conservatism anymore?
Wake your selves up, dumb asses. There is a tipping point and we are there. What we do in the next several years will definitely help determine the future of our species. God help you if you can't snap out of the left-right paradigm and start thinking about your responsibility to those who will come after us.
Yes, so what?
Have you looked at Antarctica lately? It's been growing at a rate of 9 inches per year.
The fact that one region of the world is getting warmer does not mean a) the ENTIRE world is getting warmer or b) that it is caused by human activity.
Stop the scaremongering and actually read some real science. This, for starters:
It's telling that every time a global warming proponent comes along, he spends 75% of his time berating global warming opponents for being "dumb asses" and the other 25% of the time droning on about how 'the end is nigh'. Then he'll throw in a few 'read the science' cliches without actually ever citing any specific science.
Where's your data, dzent1?
What 'legitimate' scientists would you like to quote? Michael Mann at Penn State? Or perhaps the team at East Anglia University?
Worried about feeding people? Pray for more CO2 and more global warming. Naah, dzent1, as an environmentalist you'd probably rather all those horrible humans starve to death and "save the planet" for the speckled gnarf.
When I meet an environmentalist who doesn't fly in planes, drive a car, or take hot showers, then I'll listen to whatever scientific evidence he's got - if he can find any that's not lies and fraud. Otherwise, if it's not that big a deal for Al Gore to live in a massive manor and run around in idling SUVs and private Learjets, it's not that big a deal for me to do the same when I can afford to.
Biggest Obstacle to Global Climate Deal May Be How to Pay for It
The price of a climate agreement will be $100 billion a year by 2020, many economists estimate; some put the cost at closer to $1 trillion.
Ms. Rosenthal has a point, particularly now that citizens are catching on to the fact that we've been conned. Is anyone calling for an investigation?
Scientists disagree on a regular basis about myriad ideas. Before Einstein most physicists believed that they had the entire big picture of the universe figured out. It was shown that they were wrong. Today, with this gross misuse of public trust of science, how are we to decide if any person acts within the scientific method in the pursuit of knowledge?
Honest disagreements do no harm and much good, but the abuse of science by any group of scientists calls into question the purpose of them all. I would hope that most scientists act with good intentions to further the interest of knowledge, but blind faith in science has been shown to be an ill placed trust.
That Climate Change E-Mail
E-mail messages with contrarian views from American and British climatologists don't negate the underlying scientific facts about climate change.
What theydon't tell you is that the emails make it clear that nobody knows what the underlying FACTS are given destroyed data, faked computer programs, manipulating the peer review process to censor other scientists! Pui on the Times.
Our Military people (now waking up to fighting Corporate Wars) took an oath to the Constitution as well and thank God for
The good news is forums like this. 300,000,000 people might just be waking up.
I like Robin Williams comment: Hey "sparky" ("sparky" = politicans, judges, police, lawyers) DOES CUSTER'S LAST STAND HAVE ANY MEANING TO YOU?
We are paying attention and we are coming, fair, square, above board and by the book, but WE are coming. It's going to be a bumpy ride.
Pucker Up!
Oh, wait! The "scientists" destroyed the data!
Why would scientists destroy data that supports their claims of Anthropogenic Global Warming???
Answer: They wouldn't. They destroyed the data precisely because it undermined their claims about AGW! If the data supported AGW, they would have smeared our faces in it.
AGW is the greatest scientific fraud in the history of mankind. The effects range from the starvation of poverty stricken people around the world (corn-ethanol swindle) to an attempt to completely bankrupt the world economy.
These criminal cockroaches should be put on trial for high crimes against humanity.
>>this is a joke of course<<
The emails you quote are taken out of context and the word usage in the emails is not the same as in a normal conversation. Scientists use common words differently. Ask them.
The code you quote doesn't appear to be of any computer language I recognise (but I could be wrong)
As to whether there is climate change or not I would suggest asking your parents and grand parents. It would seem to me daft that if you pollute the atmosphere that nothing is going to happen, its like smoking, no harm in it until someone dies. The world is changing because of humans. The world will always change, how fast it changes is up to us. I can see with I own eyes the world is changing. It is the only permanent in this world.
Have a good new year
It's not about science any longer; it's about power, and silencing those who would disagree into a sense of shame and moral degradation and guilt.
I think it was an American Indian Chief that said that only when all the trees are cut down and all the fish gone from the river will man realise that he cannot eat the dollar.
In fairness, though, the facts we discuss will probably not match the propaganda your teacher is expecting. Please feel free to refer her to our site as a reference.
"Global Warming" in the scientific sense is the increase in average temperatures since the last Ice Age, ~20 000 yrs ago. It may be caused by solar activity, variations in the Earth's orbit- some would have you believe it is deforestation, power plants and the burning of fossil fuels.
You need to make your own decision, based on incomplete and even falsified data- sound impossible?
A good scientist will keep her mind open and defuse and annihilate counter-arguments to anything reasonable.
Good Luck~!
What "scientific consensus"? There IS NO scientific consensus. For some reason, those that support AGW seem to think that as long as you use those words, it really exists.
The "scientific consensus" that Al Gore uses in his movie and books is mostly made up of the CRU at East Anglia and self-referencing material by the IPCC. Other than those (now obvious) hacks, there is no other consensus. Same with the IPCC - again, a group that largely basis it's findings on a close-knit cabal of self-quoting researchers.
Go out around the blogosphere and read the random writings of mathematicians, biologists and physicists. At places like regular mid-Western universities. None of them agree about the consensus.
Their writing on the subject does one of the following:
a) defers to Gore's cabal, taking no personal stake in the debate
b) takes personal stake and uses the evidence from Gore's cabal, regardless of the fact that they THEMSELVES can't point to the underlying data that no one can see
c) takes no position at all
d) says it's a load of crock
Those 4 styles pretty much wrap up every position you find by scientists OUTSIDE OF the IPCC and the CRU East Anglia.
What consensus?
1. FactCheck seemed to rely purely on people that support the idea of global warming to determine if there were substantial issues revealed by the Climategate letters.
2. FactCheck stated that tree rings have diverged from accurate reading of the temperatures as gathered in the field. This means one of two things. Either tree rings are not an accurate way to gage temperature over time or the current readings being gathered are not accurate. Either way this presents an issue for both global warming proponents and global warming skeptics.
In the end I'll leave it to this: Clean air good. Killing the economy to get there... not so good.
The medieval warm period - approximately 800 - 1300 AD saw global temperatures warm enough to allow Vikings to colonize Greenland and Newfoundland (1000 AD +/-). It was warm enough for them to grow crops to support their existence. I don't recall anything in history lessons about power plants, SUVs or any other nasty old carbon dioxide emitters causing that warming.
Of course, the U. N. IPCC claims there is no evidence of a general warming but it was limited to North America and Europe. I find it odd that two relatively small areas of the globe unerwent considerable warming while the remainder experienced no such phenomena. That means that normal atmospheric circulation caused by normal global rotation somehow mysteriously ceased for several hundred years. Sounds like a lie to me - especially when coinciding warm and cool periods are evidenced in lake sediment as far away as Japan.
Shortly after the Medeival Warm Period, Earth experienced the "Little Ice Age" that lasted well into the 19th century. This period is known as the "Maunder Minimum" - a time of extremely low sunspot activity. It seems a logical conclusion that sun activity - which is not consistent over time - would impact global temperature based on the above observations.
I read recently that sunspot activity will peak in 2012. It will be interesting to see if temperatures decline as predicted when activity slows afterwards. We'll survive if it's just the usual 22 year cycle. However, I don't know if we'll survive when governments start making us wear some kind of measuring device that will record the amount of CO2 we exhale so they can tax us for it. It sure will be hard on athletes.
All joking aside, we are being led to believe there is another crisis in order to fleece us of our comparitively small amount of wealth and most of our freedom - a U.N. objective as they march us toward global communism.
And, one last thought. Earlier messages explore the idea that some scientists are more interested in their grants than telling the truth. Judging from my extensive readings, I'd say that's more fact than fiction.
If science is being questioned and is just a mega-money scheme &/or a "power-trip", let me remind you the Darwinian (therory) is also just that- a scientific therory which hasn't been proven beyond a shadow of doubt yet is still taught as fact in out schools today. It takes some hard (illogical) thinking to blindly accept that a beautiful world "poofed" out of a (seemingly) disasterous BIG BANG.
Romans 1 says people are without excuse... If anything will destroy "our" world it is the sin of the world & a non-acceptance of a loving God who made the world. There's nothing we can do to protect the "end times" but until then, we need to be responsible enf to take care of what we have been given. I pray that our choices will consider everyone and not just ourselves. Our eternal salvation is what is at state and not the trivial things like... AGW and other things distracting us fm the BIG Picture. God's Blessings to you all...
Before I sign off I will apologize to all perusers of this thread. I have a really bad habit of writing too much. Sorry.
The crops must still be planted, sure its wasted work if the world does end, but if the world doesn't then we would all starve.
I want environmentalists around who will fight for zero emissions just as I was large corps to fight for economic growth. The goal, in my opinion should be the eventual elimination of all pollution. This however is not an attainable short term goal. States should enforce progressively more strict pollutant restrictions. If all industries were forced to slowly increase their pollution controls we would eventually get to where we all want to be.
The problem is that attempting to force such changes too quickly will destroy our economy and who will follow in our foot steps to eliminate pollution if it leads to significant economic hardship? The long term goal would be served worse by attempting to do too much too quickly.
Did God create human beings? How, then, do people murder each other?
Did God create dogs? Why, then, was Michael Vick able to kill one?
Did God create water? How, then, is mankind able to poison streams, leaving them unpalatable?
Other planets, stars and asteroids have been destroyed. In fact, if the orbital patterns of Earth were affected even slightly by other spatial forces, we could be hurdled towards the sun.
As for mankind itself, it has already, in just a few short years of technological progress, discovered molecular processes for massive destruction.
How much more powerful is a nuclear weapon today than an exploding barrel of gunpowder 100 years ago? What will we have in another 100 years? Nuclear weapons are only the beginning.
Outside of one's belief in the supernatural force of a God to not allow the Earth to be destroyed - a purely religious view - there is no logical reason to say "we cannot destroy earth". If anything, technological trends show that we moving closer to that ability every single day, never mind the forces occurring in space around us over which we have no control.