by Erasmus
How many of us have stopped to think about the fact that when we sing our national anthem, we end the song with a question?
"O say does that star-spangled banner yet wave o'er the land of the free and the home of the brave?"
I may be wrong, but I believe that we are the only country that does that. We don't just sing about our country; we conclude our singing by taking our collective pulse.
And why not? Considering the life cycles of past human governments and the particular fragility of the remarkable experiment we call the United States of America, I think that it is entirely appropriate that we do a periodic check-up every time we gather to sing our anthem. This miracle of a government, chosen by our own people, with built-in guarantees of freedom, which has since been attempted all over the world with varying degrees of success-it has accomplished more good in the world and saved world civilization from falling to tyranny more than any other government the planet has ever seen. And, all of this has transpired in spite of our many sins and shortcomings and failings over the years.
But we are compelled to ask-is it, still, the land of the free? Is it, still, the home of the brave? It seems that we have deemed it worth asking ourselves that question, and often.
The words to this song were written 207 years ago on this day, September 14, 1814, by Francis Scott Key after he witnessed the bombardment of Fort McHenry by British ships during the Battle of Baltimore in the War of 1812. Our country was only thirty-eight years old and its Constitution was but twenty-six, and it was still struggling to stand on its own.
The ones from whom we had declared our independence had come back with a vengeance to strike our fledgling republic a fatal blow. They burned the Capitol, they burned the Treasury, and they burned our President's White House to the ground. All of our people's sacrifices, all of our hopes and dreams-of a better life, a better government, a new way of living in a community of people who could choose their own leaders-all of it was on the line, a hair's breadth from being extinguished. The tree of freedom was in danger of being chopped down before it could ever truly bear fruit.
In the face of this threat, our country's people-some still crippled by the wounds and scars incurred just a few years earlier-once again laid down their lives and fortunes to defend our nation and their loved ones. The men risked their lives in battle after battle, with some struggling to just stay alive in between the battles.
The women sacrificed no less-many risked their lives as well, and they added to their already hard work all the work that had previously been done by the men. In addition to protecting and keeping their families alive and working their farms, they turned their homes into hospitals and refugee camps for the wounded and those displaced and in need.
One particular woman was called upon for special service: Mary Young Pickersgill, a 29-year-old widow. She and six other women- her daughter, three of her nieces, a 13-year-old indentured servant, and her mother-worked 10-hour days for six weeks to make a garrison flag that measured 30 by 42 feet, using 300 yards of wool bunting. They had also made a storm flag that measured 17 by 25 feet, which flew during the battle for Fort McHenry in Baltimore, but it was the huge garrison flag that was raised victoriously in the morning after the battle which gave Francis Scott Key the hope and inspiration to write the song that has since been sung by millions.
Some may question why this song is still so important to so many. I think the answer is that the song inspired by the survival of that flag-our national anthem-is our inheritance, a precious treasure plucked from the fire, our testimony that we also survived, as a free nation, as a free people.
We all know that this was not the last challenge to our survival as a country. We have been challenged over and over again, sometimes by our enemies, sometimes by our own national sins. And yet we still stand.
For now.
We look around and we see that the perils we face today are greater than ever before-from within and without. The very idea of America, the core values that have defined us, these are under attack like never before.
So, perhaps it is time to remember that our national anthem has not one, but four verses.
The first verse, the one with which we are so familiar and the one we sing together, ends in a question, and it asks us if we are still free-and brave (for one cannot be true, for long, without the other).
The second verse expresses our heartfelt desire that we will be able to continue to be free.
The third verse looks at our present state and declares that at least for now, we are still free.
But it is the fourth verse that lays out the conditions for us to continue to be free in the future. It is a verse full of confidence and hope, but it is also a recognition of the only grounds we have for that assurance.
O thus be it ever when freemen shall stand
Between their loved home and the war's desolation!
Blest with victory and peace may the heaven-rescued land
Praise the power that hath made and preserved us a nation!Then conquer we must, when our cause it is just,
And this be our motto-'In God is our trust,'
And the star-spangled banner in triumph shall wave
O'er the land of the free and the home of the brave.
Living in this country is a great privilege. It is not something to be taken for granted
More than anything, it is not to elevated above our God, who has blessed us with this precious privilege. As the James Ward song says, "God knows what nations do. He knows who we pledge allegiance to." He stands above all nations-both as judge and as the source of all goodness and grace and mercy-and His is the kingdom, and the power, and the glory, forever and ever.
If this nation is to survive and continue to be blessed and be a source of light and salt and help and hope to the world, then we must first recognize and praise the power that has made and preserved us as a nation. And then, God must truly be our trust, the One in whom we place all of our faith, as our nation's motto so clearly states.
It is not enough that it is written on our money. It must also be written on our hearts, spoken and believed in our prayers, and lived out in our lives.
So let us thank God for our freedom, and let all who are free stand up for that freedom and not falter. Let us praise the God who made our nation and preserved it. Let all of our causes be just.
And may our trust not be simply in our power or weapons or money or resources or fame, but rather in the God who loves us, who saves us, who gives us true freedom.
Blessed is the nation whose God is the Lord.
- Psalms 33:12
What does Chinese history have to teach America that Joe Biden doesn't know?
Thank you, sincerely, for this wonderful piece; I pray that it's shared by many.
I fear that our country will continue the slide into totalitarianism and rejection of God for the remainder of my life, which may not be all that long. However, I take heart in remembering that God always preserves a remanent.
Sadly, I agree with you Ed.
They've tried to kill God and will continue to, but they can't remove the indwelling entity.
They can imprison us and subjugate us, but they can never remove or prevent us from experiencing God.
True Rico, but I fear they will have more success with new generations...
"Serious" parenting will become even more critical in helping the young find a place in their hearts for God.
A superb article and very needed. Thanks for your insights on the Flag and America. Bruce
@fred j
You are right about the necessity of parenting. Others have noticed:
Gabby Petito's life didn't have to end as it did
I write this feeling awkward and a bit old. Like millions across the country, I found myself gripped by 22-year-old Gabby Petito's tragic homicide in Wyoming. She could have been my daughter. Then it struck me that this isn't the usual somewhat embarrassing "rubbernecking" over true crime, and in this case involving a beautiful young woman. Instead, it reflects a broader societal problem.
What grabbed me most is the video of her encounter with her boyfriend, Brian Laundrie, and the Moab, Utah police. The couple had been having an extended and public "lovers' quarrel" that was so bad that it led to police involvement. She is sitting in her vehicle and crying uncontrollably about how they have been "fighting all morning." But oddly, witnesses report that she was the aggressor toward Brian. In the video, the police officer notes that he has scratches on his face and is bleeding.
She was then the victim of a homicide soon afterward. Why? What happened? Brian is in hiding and sure looks guilty.
The couple claimed to be engaged, but there was no wedding date. Also, before Gabby went on a long cross-country trip alone with Brian, she lived with him at his parents' home in Florida. Nothing was ever formalized, nor did they act like a young couple stepping into the world of full adult maturity.
So what struck me - and I know I come across like a 1950s dad - is that so much of this could have been avoided if young women like Gabby did not fully give themselves emotionally and sexually to young men like Brian, with no commitment.
Many of these Millennials choose to live in a "netherworld" between childhood and adulthood. They want to play grown-up with their relationship, but they lack the work ethic and maturity to take steps such as getting married or buying a house. Instead, they do things like living with their parents and having them pay for their health insurance.
Gabby was a beautiful and apparently intelligent young woman. One can only imagine the sorrow of her parents. But why did she put up with a relationship like this? In the video, she says through tears that "we've been fighting all morning," and "he really stresses me out." And "I'm sorry that I'm so mean."
I have a guess as to why she was so upset. Because her heart, brain, ovaries, and uterus were screaming at her, "This is not right!"
What has led her and millions of other young women down the road to this kind of life? The answer, in large part, is that the modern feminist movement has sold a couple of huge lies to young women. The first is that sex lacks an emotional component, so it will leave no mark. And the second is that if you get pregnant, and don't want the baby, just get an abortion, because that is "reproductive health care."
These losers presenting themselves as young "men" enjoying an adolescence that often extends into their 30s are not helping. And why should they? They benefit from their access to these misguided young women.
And in this case, if you're one of those women, you end up all the way across the country alone, hysterical, frightened, and then dead.